The United States is better because of the pope's wisdom, guidance and faith, said U.S. President George W. Bush in his greetings to Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the pontiff's 25th anniversary.

"The United States and the world are better because of his (the pope's) dedication to sharing his wisdom, guidance, and faith," said the president in his message.

"For the past 25 years, His Holiness has led worldwide efforts to develop a new culture of life that values and protects the lives of innocent children waiting to be born," said the pro-life president. "He has also brought the love of the Almighty to people of all ages, particularly those who suffer or live in poverty, or who are weak and vulnerable," he continued.

"Pope John Paul II has shown the world not only the splendor of truth, but also the power of truth to overcome evil and to redirect the course of history," he said.