The news agency of the Salesians published a strong condemnation by the Salesian Province in Central Africa of the brutal killing of two street children who had been receiving shelter at one of the Salesian centers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The killings took place on September 25, when a group of men armed with clubs and knives came to the “Don Bosco” Shelter and Formation Center in Mbuji-Mayi in search of street kids.

Despite the efforts by the Salesians to dissuade the armed group, two children ended up being stoned to death and burned in the field in front of the Salesian House.  According to the Salesians, “the armed groups were made up of diamond prospectors who accuse the street children of theft and witchcraft.”

“We have been shocked by the news of the atrocities committed against street children and we wish to express our profound indignation in the face of this outbreak of violence,” the Salesians said in a statement.

In their statement, the Salesians also demanded an inquiry be opened to identify and punish those responsible.  They also called on local authorities to open free primary schools and to take measures to educate adults against the superstition of accusing children and young people of “witchcraft.”