The Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad, Emmanuel Delly, said this week the Church in Iraq played “all her cards” in working for the release of two Italian volunteers kidnapped several weeks ago in Baghdad by Muslim extremists.

Italians received with joy the news of the arrival of a Red Cross plane that returned the “two Simonas,” Simona Pari and Simona Torretta, to their country.  The two women were kidnapped while working as volunteers in the Iraqi capital.

In an interview with the Adnkronos News Agency, the Chaldean Patriarch said, “I am very happy for the two Italians and I thank the Lord for hearing our prayers.”

“Let us ask the Lord to bring peace and tranquility to Iraq.  We played all of our cards for the release of the two Italians, and I thank the Lord because He freed them, and we ask also that all the other hostages be released.  May they all be freed.”

It is still unknown how the release of the two Simonas was negotiated.  Italian press is speculating that efforts by the Patriarch of Baghdad and the King of Jordan were decisive.