Middle East - Africa News


Scientist calls Cardinal Schonborn’s evolution editorial a ‘much needed clarification’ on Church teaching

Jul 14, 2005

In light of a recent firestorm over a New York Times editorial by Vienna’s Cardinal Christoph Schonborn discussing the Church’s... Read more


Jerusalem officials cancel annual gay pride parade

Jun 23, 2005

Jerusalem officials have decided to ban the fourth annual gay pride parade, organized for June 30, claiming the march would... Read more


Pope says Western influence is cause for ‘sexual immorality’ in Africa: Botswana bishop

Jun 21, 2005

An African bishop returning from his first Ad Limina visit with Pope Benedict XVI in Rome said the weeklong meeting... Read more


Vicar-general of Khartoum released

Apr 18, 2005

The vicar-general of the Diocese of Khartoum, Fr. Peter Ayung, was released from prison yesterday. The priest had been arrested... Read more


Iran liberalizes laws on abortion

Apr 11, 2005

The Iranian parliament voted today to legalize abortion for foetuses who are deemed mentally and physically disabled, reported BBC News.  Read more


Iraqi Catholics mourn Pope, hold memorial mass

Apr 7, 2005

Despite potential danger, several hundred people gathered at St. Joseph's Chaldean Church in Baghdad yesterday for a special memorial mass... Read more


Harrisburg bishop’s alma mater raises funds since ordination

Feb 1, 2005

Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Harrisburg returned to his alma mater yesterday to mark Catholic Schools Week and to unveil a... Read more


U.S. soldier in Iraq requests prayers for upcoming vote

Jan 20, 2005

A U.S. soldier in Iraq is requesting prayers as the military unit prepares to deliver the voting machines and ballots... Read more


Kidnapped archbishop says Pope’s appeal resulted in his quick release

Jan 18, 2005

The Iraqi archbishop, who was kidnapped Monday but released yesterday after 19 hours in captivity, credits the Pope for his... Read more


Lutheran panel says ‘no’ to same-sex marriage; proposes tolerance for homosexuality

Jan 17, 2005

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America should officially maintain its traditional position against same-sex blessing ceremonies and ministers involved in... Read more


Archbishop kidnapped in Iraq on verge of election

Jan 16, 2005

Today the Vatican released a statement deploring the kidnapping of a Catholic Archbishop in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Read more


Bethlehem mayor says Israeli occupation is driving away Christians

Dec 15, 2004

The mayor of Bethlehem said that the “bitterness” of the Israeli  occupation is driving more and more Christians away from... Read more


Dark future for Christians in Arab regions if world continues neglect, says scholar

Dec 14, 2004

The situation in the Arab world has reached a point at which the further subjugation and persecution of Christians in... Read more


New declaration says protecting marriage important in protecting family

Dec 5, 2004

International pro-family leaders issued a declaration Dec. 3, urging governments around the world to protect the family by upholding, preserving... Read more


Motherhood and fatherhood are complementary Cardinal explains at Family summit

Nov 29, 2004

At the International Conference on the Family this morning in Doha, Qatar, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical... Read more


Sudanese government expells charity worker, warns aid organizations in Darfur

Nov 29, 2004

The Sudan director of the UK based aid agency Save the Children was expelled from the east African country yesterday,... Read more


Catholics rebuild churches in Iraq despite ongoing violence

Nov 24, 2004

Father Nizar Semaan, a Catholic priest from the city of Mosul, told the Fides News Agency this week that Christians... Read more


Pilgrimages to Holy Land needed to diminish Christian exodus

Nov 17, 2004

Representatives of different Christian denominations signed a statement this week exhorting the faithful around the world to make pilgrimages to... Read more


Mexican Cardinal says faith and reason together lead to encounter with God

Nov 15, 2004

Amidst the confusion and disorder of certain scientific and technological “advances,” man must understand that reason alone cannot address his... Read more


Homosexual group to give sessions at national religion conference

Nov 8, 2004

The Gay Men's "Issues In Religion" Group will be presenting workshops at the American Academy of Religion's 2004 Annual Meeting... Read more