Julieta Villar

Julieta Villar

Julieta Villar has a degree in social communication from the National University of La Matanza (Argentina). She began her professional career as an editor at the Argentine Catholic Information Agency (AICA). She has collaborated in graphic press media and communication tasks in civil society organizations. Since October 2022, she has been part of the ACI Prensa team as a correspondent for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Uruguay.

Articles by Julieta Villar

Argentine bishops speak out about interrupting Mass with political chants

Jun 19, 2024 / 16:30 pm

Recently, participants at Mass in Argentina started chanting the political slogan “the country is not for sale,” an expression of opposition to President Javier Milei.

During Mass, Argentine priest leads congregation in political chant used against Milei

Jun 13, 2024 / 15:40 pm

A Catholic priest in Buenos Aires, Argentina, incorporated into the celebration of the Mass a political chorus used in protests against President Javier Milei.

Chile’s bishops push back against president’s abortion and euthanasia advocacy

Jun 5, 2024 / 06:00 am

In the president’s June 1 address to the opening session of congress, he announced that at the end of the year he will introduce a bill to legalize abortion.

Corpus Christi: 30,000 people expected to turn out for festival in Bolivia stadium 

May 28, 2024 / 15:20 pm

After a four-year hiatus, the Corpus Christi festival is returning this year to Montero, Bolivia, where it is expected to draw about 30,000 people.

Analysis: Jesuit sex abuse scandal in Bolivia could be used politically to repress Church

Apr 27, 2024 / 08:00 am

Journalists from ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, traveled to Bolivia to look into the implications of the case of Jesuit priest Alfonso Pedrajas.

Argentine doctor completes prison sentence for preventing a chemical abortion in process

Apr 22, 2024 / 17:30 pm

In 2019, for preventing the completion of a chemical abortion, Leandro Rodríguez Lastra was given a one-year-and-two-months suspended sentence. 

Argentine archbishop found guilty of gender-based violence against nuns

Apr 12, 2024 / 16:30 pm

A civil court judge in Argentina has ruled in favor of the Carmelite sisters there in a case of alleged gender-based violence against the local archbishop.

Argentine President Milei: Abortion is aggravated homicide

Mar 9, 2024 / 06:00 am

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, says abortion “is murder aggravated by the bond” between mother and child.

What is inclusive language and why is it dangerous?

Mar 3, 2024 / 08:00 am

Inclusive language has been identified as “one of the tools” of gender ideology, a school of thought that has been repeatedly criticized by the Catholic Church. 

Milei ends Argentine government use of ‘inclusive language’ promoted by gender ideology advocates

Feb 28, 2024 / 19:19 pm

Argentine President Javier Milei has ordered the prohibition of inclusive language by the national government.

Argentine nun remembered for her smile considered for sainthood

Feb 17, 2024 / 09:00 am

The edict has been signed that begins the process prior to the opening of the cause of canonization of Sister Cecilia María of the Holy Face.

Argentine President Javier Milei, Pope Francis to meet

Jan 29, 2024 / 18:50 pm

The meeting is scheduled to take place in the context of the canonization of Mama Antula, the first Argentine female saint.

Argentine president formally invites Pope Francis to visit native land

Jan 11, 2024 / 19:00 pm

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, anticipated that the possible trip “will bring fruits of peace and brotherhood to all Argentines.”

Killer of martyred Argentine Blessed Wenceslao Pedernera gets life in prison

Dec 13, 2023 / 18:30 pm

After seven months of hearings, the trial for the murder 47 years ago of the martyr Blessed Wenceslao Pedernera finally reached a verdict in La Rioja, Argentina.

Boy walks 7 miles on muddy roads to receive confirmation, gets a blessing from the pope

Dec 5, 2023 / 18:20 pm

The night before confirmation, the boy’s parents began to worry because the family vehicles were not going to make it to town on the muddy country roads.

Pending decision by human rights court threatens to legalize abortion throughout Latin America

Nov 30, 2023 / 05:50 am

The abortion lobby has seized on the case of Beatriz, a Salvadoran woman who was seriously ill and pregnant with a fatally disabled child.

Pope Francis sends rosary to president-elect Milei of Argentina

Nov 27, 2023 / 18:00 pm

The Office of the President-Elect of Argentina confirmed on X that the country’s new president, Javier Milei, received a rosary from Pope Francis on Nov. 24.

Pope Francis congratulates president-elect Milei of Argentina in phone call

Nov 21, 2023 / 18:20 pm

Pope Francis contacted the president-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, to congratulate him on his victory in Sunday’s runoff presidential election.

Bolivian Bishops’ Conference criticizes 5-hour interrogation of fellow bishop in abuse case

Nov 15, 2023 / 09:00 am

The Bolivian Bishops’ Conference expressed its solidarity and closeness to the bishop of San Ignacio de Velasco, Robert Flock, saying he “was a victim.”

Chilean archbishop expresses pain, shame over fire that killed 14 migrants

Nov 10, 2023 / 18:40 pm

The tragedy occurred Nov. 6 in a house built with pallet wood and tin roofing in a camp where families of Venezuelan migrants live in precarious conditions.