Fr. Nizar Semann, an Iraqi priest from the region of Mossul, told the Fides News Agency that the time has come for Arab Muslim nations to condemn terrorism.

After confirmation of the murder of Fabrizio Quattrochi, one of the four Italian hostages being held a radical Iraqi Islamic group, Fr. Nizar told Fides “it is time for the Arab world to condemn terrorist acts like the brutal assassination of an Italian hostage.”

“I am deeply saddened by the death of Fabrizio Quattrochi,” said Fr. Nizar, adding, “Unfortunately I fear that the Italians have been kidnapped by a group connected with Al Qaeda, because the methods used in this killing bring to mind this organization.”

The Iraqi priest underscored that “this barbaric killing would probably not have taken place if Arab countries had taken a clear and decisive position against terrorism.”

The Islamic terrorists are still holding the other three Italians, who are all members of a security team working for the establishment of peace in Iraq.

The group is demanding that the Italian government officially apologize to Arab countries for “stepping foot on the land of Islam,” withdraw its troops from Iraq, and free all Islamic clerics who have been arrested in Iraq for inciting violence.