Diego López Marina

Diego López Marina

Diego Lopez Marina has a degree in Communication Sciences with a specialization in journalism from the University of San Martín de Porres (Peru). He began his professional career in 2015, as an editor for the Journalistic Archive area of the Diario El Comercio. In 2016 he began working as an writer for ACI Prensa and since 2018 he has been working as a web editor.

Articles by Diego López Marina

Church prays for release of kidnapped priest and seminarian in Nigeria

Aug 9, 2023 / 16:05 pm

Father Paul Sanogo and seminarian Melkiori Dominick Mahinini were kidnapped early in the morning of Aug. 3 in Niger state.

Pope Francis makes urgent call to recover eucharistic adoration in the Church

Aug 2, 2023 / 18:40 pm

“Only in adoration, only before the Lord can the taste and passion for evangelization be recovered,” the pontiff said during an Aug. 2 homily.

Nicaraguan lawyer: 65 women religious have been expelled from the country since 2022

Jul 31, 2023 / 16:30 pm

According to Martha Patricia Molina, a total of 10 religious congregations in the country have been affected.

Vatican to investigate Sodalitium Christianae Vitae lay society in Peru

Jul 22, 2023 / 00:01 am

The investigation will be led by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, assistant secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and an expert on sexual abuse.

Dictatorship in Nicaragua freezes bank accounts of some priests

Jun 16, 2023 / 16:45 pm

The dictatorship of President Daniel Ortega has ordered the bank accounts of several priests in some Nicaraguan dioceses to be frozen.

Nicaragua dictatorship confiscates assets of political prisoners it deported to U.S.

Jun 13, 2023 / 15:15 pm

A Nicaraguan court on June 9 announced the “freezing and forfeiture” of assets of the 222 political prisoners deported to the U.S. in February.

Parents of priest in Cuba attacked with machetes in home invasion

Jun 8, 2023 / 16:00 pm

The priest posted an update on Facebook on his parents’ health, stating that his mother “only received minor blows” but his father needed surgery.

Dictatorship in Nicaragua withholds more than $500,000 donated by CRS to the Church

Jun 7, 2023 / 15:30 pm

An investigation has revealed that the Ortega dictatorship withheld more than half a million dollars donated to the Church in Nicaragua.

Parents in Honduras launch movement to oppose imposition of gender ideology in schools

Jun 6, 2023 / 16:15 pm

Hondura parents launched the “For Our Children” movement to stop the attempt to impose gender ideology in the public school curriculum.

Church in Peru donates thousands of doses of medication to combat dengue epidemic

Jun 1, 2023 / 17:15 pm

Dengue is a virus transmitted to humans through mosquitoes and can cause nausea, fever, pain, and in severe cases, internal bleeding and death.

Bolivian bishop on clerical sex abuse: We know asking forgiveness is not enough

May 30, 2023 / 17:00 pm

“We have asked for forgiveness; we know that it’s not enough,” said Bishop Giovani Arana of El Alto, Bolivia.

Chilean bishop: Court ruling on sexual orientation training harms independence of Church

May 25, 2023 / 16:30 pm

A Catholic bishop and Alliance Defending Freedom have criticized a 2022 ruling of an international court for proposing nondiscrimination “training.”

Catholic organization rescues three nuns trapped amid crossfire in Sudan

May 24, 2023 / 13:30 pm

The Vulnerable People Project evacuated in cooperation with other institutions three nuns caught in the crossfire of the civil war in Sudan.

Bolivia Jesuits ask victims of two priests implicated in scandal to make formal complaint

May 20, 2023 / 12:00 pm

The Jesuits asked the victims to make a formal complaint with the Society of Jesus and offered their assistance in filing a complaint. 

Shooting at funeral home in Ecuador leaves four dead

May 19, 2023 / 17:00 pm

The archbishop of Portoviejo, Eduardo José Castillo Pino, asked the faithful to pray for the end of violence in Ecuador.

Nicaragua dictatorship announces ‘voluntary dissolution’ of university forming seminarians

May 18, 2023 / 15:45 pm

The Immaculate Conception Catholic University of the Archdiocese of Managua was a formation center for seminarians from the Nicaraguan capital.

What it’s like for the Church in Venezuela, a country in social and economic crisis

May 11, 2023 / 16:00 pm

An aid worker who recently visited the central and western areas of the country said he “found a very lively Church, ... despite the fact that it has to go uphill.”

Only 30% of young U.S.-born Latinos are Catholic, study reveals

Apr 17, 2023 / 14:45 pm

A new study from the Pew Research Center found that the number of Latinos who identify as Catholic has declined by 24% since 2010.

Abandoned at the border: Priest tells how he was expelled from Nicaragua during Holy Week

Apr 11, 2023 / 04:00 am

Father Donaciano Alarcón described how the authorities leveled unfounded accusations against him, took him to the border with Honduras, and abandoned him.

Journalist in Nicaragua arrested for reporting on Holy Week

Apr 10, 2023 / 15:18 pm

Organizations defending freedom of the press in Nicaragua are demanding the release of Víctor Ticay, a Nicaraguan journalist who was arrested Holy Thursday.