Diego López Marina

Diego López Marina

Diego Lopez Marina has a degree in Communication Sciences with a specialization in journalism from the University of San Martín de Porres (Peru). He began his professional career in 2015, as an editor for the Journalistic Archive area of the Diario El Comercio. In 2016 he began working as an writer for ACI Prensa and since 2018 he has been working as a web editor.

Articles by Diego López Marina

Euthanization of non-terminally ill Colombian woman canceled

Oct 11, 2021 / 15:29 pm

The euthanization of a Martha Liria Sepúlveda Campo, a 51-year-old woman with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, was cancelled, the Colombian Pain Institute (IPS Incodol) announced Saturday.

Cuban socialism has been a failure and the left must face up to it, priest says

Oct 5, 2021 / 16:19 pm

Fr. Alberto Reyes Pías, a priest of the Archdiocese of Camagüey, addressed Monday those who have leftist political preferences, asking them to recognize the failure of the socialist model that was imposed on Cuba 62 years ago.

Two months after Cuba protests, religious leaders continue to demand justice for detainees

Sep 14, 2021 / 15:19 pm

Two months after protests of Cuba’s communist government, the Cuban Conference of Men and Women Religious has denounced irregularities in the proceedings against those detained for demonstrating.

Peruvian priest threatened with letters containing bullets

Aug 24, 2021 / 16:42 pm

Fr. Omar Sánchez Portillo, secretary general of Cáritas Lurín, stated Monday that he has been the victim of death threats, several cyberattacks on his social media, and the theft of a debit card.

March against gender ideology in schools held in Puerto Rico

Aug 16, 2021 / 15:19 pm

Tens of thousands of people rallied Saturday outside the Puerto Rican capitol and marched through the streets to oppose the imposition of the “gender perspective curriculum” announced by the territory’s governor.

Latin American bishops ask help for migrants stranded in jungle on Panama-Colombia border

Aug 16, 2021 / 06:01 am

Three Latin American ecclesial organizations on Wednesday asked for help for the thousands of migrants on their way to the US who are stranded in the Darien Gap, a jungle region at the Panama-Colombia border.

Spanish bishop urges support for those tempted to suicide 

Aug 7, 2021 / 15:00 pm

As Spain records a high rate of suicide, a Bishop in the Basque Country on Wednesday urged that no effort be spared in addressing the crisis, “taking a stand for life.”

Cuban religious report detainees held without trial after protests

Aug 4, 2021 / 18:01 pm

The board of directors of the Cuban Conference of Men and Women Religious reported Tuesday that following the July 11 protests of the island’s communist government “there are still detainees awaiting trial, under investigation and others punished with very severe penalties."

Cuban priest decries summary trials of protesters without a defense lawyer

Aug 3, 2021 / 11:19 am

Participants in last month’s protests of Cuba’s communist government are facing summary trials without adequate legal aid, a Jesuit priest serving in Havana said last week.

US bishops and priests in the Cuban diaspora send video message back home

Jul 26, 2021 / 16:10 pm

In an eight-minute video, about 30 American bishops and priests of the Cuban diaspora sent their prayers and a message of support to protesters on the island. 

CRS warns of ‘hunger pandemic’ afflicting the elderly in Cuba

Jul 26, 2021 / 14:20 pm

The director of the Hispanic Development Unit of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Ana Gloria Rivas-Vásquez, called for Catholics around the world to help Cuba, especially its elderly, afflicted by what she calls a "hunger pandemic."

The Church accompanies the people in ther legitimate claims, priest says of Cuba protests

Jul 23, 2021 / 18:01 pm

The Church is accompanying those protesting Cuba’s communist government, according to a priest of the Archdiocese of Camagüey.

Venezuelan archbishop: Let us demand an end to human rights violations in our country

Jul 9, 2021 / 16:19 pm

During the Venezuelan bishops’ plenary assembly on Wednesday, the conference president said that one of the main battles that must be fought in the country is the demand for human rights violations to cease. 

Church in Venezuela calls for a day of prayer and fasting for the liberation of the country

Jun 25, 2021 / 18:01 pm

In commemorating the June 24 centennial of the Battle of Carabobo, the Venezuelan bishops’ conference highlighted on their website a day of prayer and fasting promoted by Jesus the Good Shepherd parish in the Coro archdiocese.

Journalists funded by Planned Parenthood create 'black list' of Argentine pro-lifers

Jun 15, 2021 / 12:50 pm

On Sunday a group of journalists from Argentina, financed by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, published a "black list” with people, political parties, and organizations that are for the most part pro-life.

Ahead of general election, Nicaraguan archdiocese urges that abortion not be an election issue

May 14, 2021 / 15:19 pm

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Managua stated Thursday that the "abominable crime" of abortion should not be on the agenda for November’s Nicaraguan general election.

Church in Cuba announces activities for the Year of the Family

Apr 27, 2021 / 14:19 pm

The Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops’ National Committee on the Family announced a three month period of activities to celebrate the 2021 Year of the Family, which Pope Francis declared to mark the fifth anniversary of his apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia.

Documentary says Benedict XVI’s secretary tried to convince him not to resign

Apr 9, 2021 / 15:29 pm

A documentary being released on Benedict XVI’s 94th birthday state that his personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, tried to dissuade him from abdicating the papacy.