Despite working in a majority Muslim country, Catholic Charities in Iran has been one of the most efficient organizations in responding to the needs of earthquake survivors in the city of Bam, sending nearly 30,000 food baskets, 9,000 household supplies and 3,000 personal hygiene packets to those in need.

The organization has also brought hundreds of blankets, stoves, jackets, flashlights and batteries to those affected by last December’s deadly earthquake.

Catholic Charities International has redirected more than a million dollars emergency funds to the offices in Iran, and Catholic Charities offices in France and Germany have sent experts to the city to help with relief efforts.

Catholic Charities of Italy has also sent its own team of experts to assist in the humanitarian work.

Catholic Charities of Iraq announced it will ship 100 portable toilets and water purification machines to Bam as soon as the logistics can be arranged.

Catholic Charities of Chile will be launching a fund-raising campaign in parishes throughout the country next Sunday, January 18, and monies will be sent to the Iranian Bishops Conference through Catholic Charities International.