The President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Paul Poupard, has sent a letter of support to the Archbishop of Guadalajara, Cardinal Juan Sandoval, who is being investigated by the Attorney General of Mexico at the request of a controversial ex-public official.

This is the second letter of support the Mexican Cardinal has received from Vatican officials.  Several days ago Cardinal Sandoval received a letter from the then Vice President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, Archbishop Cipriano Calderón. 

In his letter dated October 6, Cardinal Poupard wrote, “In these moments of trial, when forces of darkness have launched slanderous attacks against your Eminence and your predecessor of the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, I wish to openly express my fidelity and respect for you and your ministry.”

At the same time, he continued, “While this trial is indeed intense, no less intense and constant is the comfort you receive as bishop, knowing that God is faithful to His flock, to which you sacrifice your life for love of the Risen Lord.”

“Your Eminence, how short our existence is and how much good we can do for the world!  How difficult and stressful it is to say no openly and plainly to a powerful group of people who have confused service with oppression, honesty with public image. 

Because of the intense affection I have for the Mexican people, I encourage you to continue doing good, in the midst of political conditions which, despite important democratic changes, continue to allow for impunity and misinformation,” Cardinal Poupard added. 

Moreover, he said, “Your brave resistance, rather than distorting the office of Cardinal, instead reinforces it, strengthens it, and reminds the world and the Church once again that faithfulness to the Lord cannot be compromised and necessarily passes through martyrdom.