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12 powerful quotes from the National Eucharistic Congress

More than 50,000 kneel in adoration of the Eucharist at the National Eucharistic Congress at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on July 18, 2024./ Credit: Jeffrey Bruno

More than 50,000 Catholics recently gathered at Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress from July 17–21. 

The week was filled with opportunities for the faithful to grow closer to Jesus present in the Eucharist through perpetual adoration, Mass, confession, praise and worship, and talks from a plethora of Catholic speakers including Bishop Robert Barron, Jonathan Roumie, Father Mike Schmitz, Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, Sister Bethany Madonna, and many more.

Here are 12 of the most powerful quotes given by speakers at the congress:

  1. “Knowledge can make one great; but only love can make you a saint.” — Father Mike Schmitz

  2. “Your Christianity is not for you. Christianity is not a self-help program, something designed just to make us feel better ourselves. Your Christianity is for the world.” — Bishop Robert Barron

  3. “The Eucharist for me is healing. The Eucharist for me is peace. The Eucharist for me is my grounding. The Eucharist for me is his heart within me.” — Jonathan Roumie 

  4. “The Lord is not overwhelmed by you. He loves you, and he sees you, and he’s not deterred by anything.” — Sister Miriam James Heidland

  5. “We need a new Pentecost. We need to be filled with boldness. We need to be filled with intrepidity. We need to be filled with love, with generosity to be able to sacrifice everything for the sake of the kingdom.” — Mother Adela Galindo

  6. “We have him and nobody can take him away from us.” — Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart

  7. “The love of God has been poured into our hearts and it’s the kindness of God that leads us to life-giving repentance.” — Sister Bethany Madonna

  8. “You can never have a revival without repentance.” — Father Mike Schmitz

  9. “He who made the promise is true and so we can be people who repent with courage and joy. What a contradiction to be people who say ‘I’m broken and I’m sinful, and I’m joyful and I’m hopeful.’ What would the world do with a pilgrim people like that?” — Sister Josephine Garrett

  10. “It’s time for faithful Catholics to stop trying to live for God. Instead we should start living from him. The body and blood of the Lord is the source of our life, our energy, and our joy. So let’s eat and drink here and every day to our heart’s content and then let’s rush out into a starving world and tell everybody we meet, ‘Starving people, listen! We found where the food is!’” — Monsignor James Shea

  11. “Those who choose to stay with Jesus will be sent by Jesus … Let us go to proclaim Jesus zealously and joyfully for the life of the world.” — Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle

  12. “Brothers and sisters, we believe that God desires to renew his Church and that this renewal will happen through you. And that in renewing his Church, he will renew the world.” — Bishop Andrew Cozzens

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